KINNOVIA IoT sensor using RISC-V processor for cost effeciency.
Zypher OS Port for comertial use.
Backend development using AWS EC2 and AWs services.
Configuratble Forntend Application. Data analytics and predective modeling.
KINN automotive ECU development platform provides a complete hardware and software solution for automotive embedded system design that comes with its own real-time software framework with I/Os and communication channels.
KINN features a powerful microcontroller designed for automotive safety applications to provide high performance. This development platform is specifically designed to accelerate automotive embedded system design process and reduce the time to market.
KINN utilizes MATLAB/Simulink based software development process to speed up the algorithm development with KINNframework specific toolboxes with interfaces to all the I/Os.
KINN can be specifically customised as per our customers need be it the microcontroller or customer specific MATLAB/Simulink toolboxes or design of complete application.
Customisation also offered on the hardware level.